How to Remove EXIF Data from your photos

How to Remove EXIF Data from your photos

Last updated on August 17th, 2020

Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) is a standard that defines specific information related to an image or other media captured by a digital camera. It is capable of storing such important data as camera exposure, date/time the image was captured, and even GPS location.

It can be very handy for photographers who do not want to manually record these kinds of details. Here is how you can remove EXIF data on different devices. 

How to remove EXIF data from your photos on iOS

To remove EXIF data from your photos on iOS devices, you’ll need a third-party app such as Photo & Video Metadata Remover. Once you’ve installed the app, follow these steps.

  1. Launch the app on your device and select your Photos.

  2. Tap on the settings icon at the bottom-left corner.

  3. Select clear all metadata.

  4. The app will add new versions of your photos without the metadata to your device. You’ll find these new versions in the Photos app on your device.

You can disable adding location data to your photos. Here’s how to disable geotagging on iPhone and iPad.

  1. Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Camera.

  2. Tap Never.

How to remove EXIF data from your photos on Android

To remove EXIF data from your photos on Android devices, you’ll need a third-party app such as Photo Exif Editor – Metadata Editor. Once you’ve installed the app, follow these steps.

  1. Launch the app on your device and select your Photos.

  2. Select the photos you’d like to remove EXIF data from and then tap on the Exif option at the top-right corner.

  3. Checkmark the box at the top to select all the options and hit the floppy disk icon.

  4. It’ll remove all the EXIF data from your images and save the resulting images in your gallery.

There are other third-party apps too. You can also use EXIF Eraser.

How to remove EXIF data from your photos on Mac

  1. Download ImageOptim.

  2. Click the + icon and select the images you want to strip EXIF data from. You can select multiple images too.

  3. The app will automatically remove EXIF data from the image.

How to remove EXIF data from your photos on Windows

  1. Open the folder that contains the photos you want to remove EXIF data from.

  2. Right-click on the image you want to remove the data from.

  3. Select and Click on  “Properties”.

  4. When the properties box opens, click on the tab “Details”.

  5. Click on “Remove Properties and Personal Information”.

  6. On the following screen, you’ll find two options to remove the EXIF data. If you select the first option, it’ll remove all the possible metadata from your photos. The second option lets you selectively remove EXIF data.

  7. Choose the option you’d like to proceed with and click on OK.

This post was last modified on August 17, 2020 11:23 pm

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